
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Jill Mulleady at Galerie Neu

René Magritte, Le galet, 1948; Evelyne Axell L'égocentrique 2 1968"; Theo Wenner, Miley Cyrus Rolling Stone Cover, 2013; Jill Mulleady, The Discovery, 2018

Things burble up, ghosts drift like flotsam up through the flow of images, us all treading water not wanting to drown in this subconsciousness the PR threatens. Drowning in soup haunted, like a purgatory. Paintings become disfigured, gargoyles misremembered, using your memory of history's painting against you. These paintings feel like being gaslit: isn't that what's his name in new colors? No, these are entirely new paintings. History flows through the bejeweled eye of the beholder's digestive endpoint, already chewed and expelled for us.