Appending painting the body it both does and does not want. Inflating it to bulbousness, we want body but not, you know... too much that would be a fetish, we want it sleek and slim for transaction, shipping, but here we find painting's brushwork metastasized and images become their nightmare: embodied. "How to achieve a flawless look with NO CAKE FACE." There's an anxiety over the body, over the crust these harbor. We paint our bodies to appear as images and our paintings as bodied objects, a subject recently reoccurring in art but mainly through the things that infer it, euphemism. You see lots of chairs and innuendo, things to speak of the body but god forbid not show it, but in Beavers we find it explicit, too much, hanging out off its frame like a gut.
See too: Gina Beavers at Michael Benevento, Erwin Wurm at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, “Sitting Bone” at MAVRA