Uterusman, whose 11 minute introduction video is on view, whose main superpowers appear various forms of spouting blood out of his vagina located between his feet - he also can throw ovums, ride a pelvic chariot (with deep throat laser cannon), skateboard on a menstrual pad, summon a baby and then use the baby as a mace-like weapon with umbilical cord whip, among other things - is a woman's organ bestowed with male superheroics, as if given the domineering heroic characteristic the womb would ostensibly receive had it only been given to man instead of woman, Uterusman. Like Superman until realizing the redundancy: man was already super in 1940s culture, so the trope removed super and comics just starting appending man - Batman, Aquaman, Iceman, Beastman, He-man - to anything, variable-man, and thus the x-man, x-men were born. So then, Uterusman, if only boys had been born with them. Discussions of feminism aside - so steeped so heavily in camp as to be quite soggy on such rigid concepts - whether this is a critique of culture or fantasy for it doesn't matter anymore, trying to out-absurd culture is impossible but look how far it's gotten us, Genzken too.
see too: KAYA at Deborah Schamoni, Isa Genzken at Hauser Wirth & Schimmel + Daniel Buchholz