
Monday, May 1, 2017

Jos De Gruyter and Harald Thys at Gavin Brown


Painful, de Gruyter and Thys' developmentally delayed style, filled with speech impediments, slow progress, and language drifting into nonsense, is, like von Trier's early film, an idiocy against social decorum, our socially vulnerable conversations, socially conscious movies, replayed by the slow and impaired, mocking our banal conversations we've had, transmute conversation into madness. Comedy edges total breakdown of sense, turning to a horror that seems to endlessly please dG&T. This banal horror of too-much, of waste, of, in spite of such, cruelly, maniacally plain smiles.

See too: Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys at WattisJos De Gruyter and Harald Thys at MoMA PS1