
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Michael Krebber at Greene Naftali

Michael Krebber, Installation View, Ground Floor, Greene Naftali, New York, 2015
Courtesy of the artist and Greene Naftali, New York
Photograph: Elisabeth Bernstein

Krebber seems to be preferring to these days. A brand established rescinding pleasant discussions of the elusive "krebberesque."  In 2013 Krebberesque was actually academically defined in the 8th edition of Quinton and Rohling's Aesthetic Jargon falling between between Kowtow kraut and Kremlin Stoogism. Excitement and Myth has given way to branded production. Having once "suddenly instructed his students never to paint again" now producing paintings at a brisk clip.

see too: Group Show at Greene Naftali