If Lassry's photographs feel fetishistic it's because, like Furries costumed in fursuits as substitute for the slick lines of the anthropomorphic cartoon animals they desire sex with, Lassry's photographs dress their photograph as slick objects to anthropomorphize the objectifying seduction of photography's cartoon version, wearing a "fursuit" of the image color coded to the frame. Lassry's "photographs" self-objectify under gaze as tactile and plastic visual pleasure. They more cryptic the photo - deprived of its raisons, however "straight" - the more its surface appears in blankness, the blank allure of sexual consumability of surface and seduction, lozenges of virtual material. These ultra expensive objects "carved from single timbers of Claro walnut wood" will disperse into homes and be collected by those seeing them dispersed, consumed like cherries in Pac-Man.
See too: Lucy Skaer at Murray Guy