
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Emanuel Rossetti at Karma International

Emanuel Rossetti at Karma International

The occult practices of another pagan-materialist presenting our experience as ritual, estranging us in an entertaining moment of alterity, bizarro-real, in which in moral hopes we must realign ourselves to its products, our experience of it, recognition delayed, and the static charge of our disorientation in finding an identification to hold onto, objects which connote but don't mean.  This type of work has been formalized, and this exhibition looks great, I respond positively to its aesthetic.

An interesting difference, with Trisha Donnelly there is nothing there, her objects are stubbornly dumb, unreciprocal, and a believer in Donnelly attempting conviction of any aesthetic "magic" has nothing, forced to "believe." With this Rossetti there is gesture and form and feng shui to talk about, just a difference.