
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mariana Castillo Deball at Kurimanzutto

Mariana Castillo Deball at Kurimanzutto

A pre-existing map turned flooring like the rugs pre-printed in roads played on as children, not everyone had one, but still the imaginary allure of walking over the map holographing your body imaginarily into the scene, tying one to the place, investing them in it.
Adela Breton the map’s first facsimilist in 1890’s, and anti-psychotic 80’s ads are interesting along with swedish coincidences, references, of which this show is built, everything referring, deferring, are all there in an attempt to tell a story through a connect your own dots adventure, of colonials and appropriation, and its fine, important stories, the archival impulse along with its partner the sentimental impulse, but as art moves further into skepticism over its propagandistic impulse it risks saying merely what is already contained in the texts in an emotive impulse, its loss. You're supposed to put your face in the mask since you're already imaginarily walking in their shoes.