
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Michael Beutler at Bielefelder Kunstverein

Michael Beutler at Bielefelder Kunstverein

Fun-house installationism, a lot of labor towards transformative candy potential. It just looks like a lot - tiring just looking at it. A look-what-I-can-do, flexing of institutional support, supported by video documents of literally looking at them do. Possibly transcendent but mostly just looks like fill space attempts towards spectacle, at best hopefully spectacular. Institution lobby art, big, quick, all encompassing, highly digestible. Musuems have lobbies too you know, and they need something for it, and you shouldn't penalize them for that. Sure you can cast in the inside of a huge hole, but why are you doing it, other than to make it be there. Make-it-big.